Players will choose either normal or hardcore difficulty. The decision to play hardcore difficulty must be unanimous.
All potions can be taken as a bonus action; administering one to another character requires a full action.
You may choose to lower your initiative instead of taking your turn as normal. This change lasts for the entirety of combat.
Standing up from prone triggers attacks of opportunity.
When you gain Heroic Inspiration, if you already have it, you can pass it to a different player.
Take home magic items in the form of cards! Use your collection for fun and exciting new strategies!
If the group succeeds at their quest, each player receives a share of treasure, even if your character doesn't survive.
Inspiration can be used to reroll any of your D20 Tests.
Critical hits deal max die damage plus the roll instead of doubling the dice.
Flanking provides a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Falling to zero hit points also incurs one level of exhaustion.